Danger, Will Robinson, danger! Well, they pay me... I guess that's all you can ask for. Actually I really like my work (I better since I'm doing it all the dang time) living on the Net is a lot more fun than working in a factory that's for sure.
Last day of work at the old job at WinonaNet... your not supose to do anything productive on your last day except clean out your desk, right?
Me and everything I own (which fit nicely into one box) leaving the building for the last time at the Winona Daily News. Do I ever miss taking pictures, sure, but having to rub two nickels together all the time is no way to live.
Here's me in my new digs at RTP. Pretty much the same as before except the cubicle walls are higher. Note the extremely clean and well orgainized desk in the background. Not!
Another photo of a "cube rat" in its natual habitat. Note the large area, this isn't your standard 8 by 8 cubicle, due to the position of a set of near by stairs mine is 10 by 12. I know I can hear some of you saying, "Ooooo, big man in the office!" But, still no window :-(
Do I really spend that much time with my feet up on my desk? Lady in the background is Theresa, she's in Fargo, ND, now - she was real sweet, I miss working with her a lot.